Balsamo cremoso con estratto di Noce verde, adatto a tutti i tipi di capelli. Esercita un’azione protettiva e condizionante per il capello.
Arricchito con estratto di Noce verde. Ad un particolare stadio di maturazione il mallo della noce risulta particolarmente ricco di polifenoli ed altri ingredienti attivi con caratteristiche protettive nei confronti delle aggressioni esterne.
Profumazione avvolgente che combina forza e carattere con atmosfere calde e rilassanti.
Il flacone è realizzato utilizzando PET riciclato post-consumo, il packaging è riciclabile.
Prodotto e confezionato interamente in Italia.
Dimensioni: 3,5 x 13,8 cm
Purchase this as a gift for my sister! Excellent and packaged well. There are no spills and handled with care. This poducts is my favorite. Orginally had a trial size with my ipsy subscription years ago, and I've been in love with it ever since. GFL Cosmetics has the best price and best care of this product during shipping. This product does not leave my hair greasy and actually cleans my hair without drying it out!! Will purchase again!
My nan brought this back following her cruise around the med. I had not heard of Prija before but was willing to try it. I only have the conditioner but it leaves my hair soft and smelling great. It doesnt make my hair greasy if i use it on my roots. I have my hair highlighted and it has been really dry and brittle from the bleach. I have not managed to find a shampoo/conditioner that makes a difference on my hair until now. I will be buying more from their website x
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